# +----+----+----+----+ # | | | | | # Author: Mark David Scott Cunningham | M | D | S | C | # +----+----+----+----+ # Created: 2014-11-17 # Updated: 2014-11-17 # # #!/bin/bash if [[ -f $(echo /opt/nexcess/php5*/root/etc/php-fpm.d/$(getusr).conf) ]]; then config="/opt/nexcess/php5*/root/etc/php-fpm.d/$(getusr).conf"; srv="$(echo $config | cut -d/ -f4)-php-fpm"; elif [[ -f /etc/php-fpm.d/$(getusr).conf ]]; then config="/etc/php-fpm.d/$(getusr).conf"; srv="php-fpm"; fi; _fpmconfig(){ if [[ $(grep $1 $config 2> /dev/null) ]]; then echo -e "\n$1 is already configured in the PHP-FPM pool $config\n"; awk "/$1/"'{print}' $config; echo elif [[ -f $(echo $config) ]]; then echo "php_admin_value[$1] = $2" >> $config && service $srv reload && echo -e "\n$1 has been set to $2 in the PHP-FPM pool for $config\n"; else echo -e "\n Could not find $config !\n Try running this from the user's /home/dir/\n"; fi; } case $1 in -a) _fpmconfig apc.enabled Off ;; -b) _fpmconfig open_basedir "$(php -i | awk '/open_basedir/ {print $NF}'):$2" ;; -c) _fpmconfig $2 $3 ;; -d) _fpmconfig display_errors On ;; -e) _fpmconfig max_execution_time $2 ;; -f) _fpmconfig allow_url_fopen On ;; -g|-z) _fpmconfig zlib.output_compression On ;; -m) _fpmconfig memory_limit $2 ;; -s) _fpmconfig session.cookie_lifetime $2; _fpmconfig session.gc_maxlifetime $2 ;; -u) _fpmconfig upload_max_filesize $2; _fpmconfig post_max_size $2 ;; -h) echo -e "\n Usage: fpmconfig [option] [value] Options: -a ... Disable APC -b ... Set open_basedir -c ... Set a custom [parameter] to [value] -d ... Enable display_erorrs -e ... Set max_execution_time to [value] -f ... Enable allow_url_fopen -g ... Enable gzip (zlib.output_compression) -m ... Set memory_limit to [value] -s ... Set session timeouts (session.gc_maxlifetime, session.cookie_lifetime) -u ... Set upload_max_filesize and post_max_size to [value] -z ... Enable gzip (zlib.output_compression) -h ... Print this help output and quit Default behavior is to print the contents and location of config file.\n" ;; *) echo; ls $config; echo; cat $config; echo;; esac; unset srv config;