#!/bin/bash # +----+----+----+----+ # | | | | | # Author: Mark David Scott Cunningham | M | D | S | C | # +----+----+----+----+ # Created: 2015-04-23 # Updated: 2018-12-06 # # Purpose: Automate the process of analyzing exim_mainlog and queue, to locate # the usual suspects related to a server sending outbound spam mail. # ## Exim Cheetsheet # http://bradthemad.org/tech/notes/exim_cheatsheet.php # Inspiration from previous work by: mwineland # With php_maillog functions assisted by: mcarmack ## Exim command line flags and usage # http://www.exim.org/exim-html-4.50/doc/html/spec_5.html#IX199 ## Exim Utilities (help and usage info) # http://www.exim.org/exim-html-4.50/doc/html/spec_49.html#IX2895 ## Exim Log Files (flags and delimiters) # http://www.exim.org/exim-html-current/doc/html/spec_html/ch-log_files.html #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ## Because /moar/ regex is always better shopt -s extglob #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ## Workaround for exim logs with binary garbage in them shopt -s expand_aliases alias grep='grep -a' #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ## Utility functions, because prettier is better dash(){ for ((i=1;i<=$1;i++)); do printf $2; done; } section_header(){ echo -e "\n$1\n$(dash 40 -)"; } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ## Initializations LOGFILE="/var/log/exim_mainlog" PHPLOG=$(grep -h ^mail.log /usr/local/lib/php.ini /opt/cpanel/ea-php*/root/etc/php.ini 2>/dev/null | tr -d '"' | awk '{print $NF}' | sort | uniq | head -1); QUEUEFILE="/tmp/exim_queue_$(date +%Y.%m.%d_%H.%M)" l=1; p=0; q=0; full_log=0; fast_mode=''; LINECOUNT='1000000' RESULTCOUNT='10' DAYS=''; VERBOSE=0; OUT_LIST='' L_OUT='LDir LAcct LAuth L-IP LFail LSpoof LBulk LSubj LBnce' Q_OUT='QSum QAuth QLoc QSpoof QSubj QScript QSend QBnce QFrzn' #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Menus for the un-initiated #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ## MAIN MENU BEGIN main_menu(){ PS3="Enter selection: "; clear echo -e "$(dash 80 =)\nCurrent Queue: $(exim -bpc)\n$(dash 40 -)\n\nWhat would you like to do?\n$(dash 40 -)" select OPTION in "Analyze Exim Logs (RUN THIS FIRST)" "Analyze PHP Logs" "Analyze Exim Queue" "Quit"; do case $OPTION in "Analyze Exim Logs (RUN THIS FIRST)") log_select_menu "/var/log/exim_mainlog" if [[ $l != '0' && -f $LOGFILE && ! $(file -b $LOGFILE) =~ zip ]]; then line_count_menu; fi results_prompt $l; break ;; "Analyze PHP Logs") l=0; p=1; q=0; log_select_menu ${PHPLOG}; if [[ $p != '0' && -f $PHPLOG && ! $(file -b $PHPLOG) =~ zip ]]; then line_count_menu; fi results_prompt $p; break;; "Analyze Exim Queue") l=0; q=1; p=0; line_count_menu; results_prompt $q; break ;; "Quit") l=0; q=0; p=0; break ;; *) echo -e "\nPlease enter a valid option.\n" ;; esac; done; clear } ## MAIN MENU END #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ## Select a log file from what's on the server log_select_menu(){ if [[ -f $1 ]]; then echo -e "\nWhich file?\n$(dash 40 -)\n$(du -sh ${1}* 2> /dev/null)\n" select LOGS in ${1}* "Quit"; do case $LOGS in "Quit") l=0; q=0; p=0; break ;; *) if [[ -f $LOGS ]]; then LOGFILE=$LOGS; PHPLOG=$LOGS; break; elif [[ -f ${REPLY} ]]; then LOGFILE=${REPLY}; PHPLOG=${REPLY}; break; else echo -e "\nPlease enter a valid option.\n"; fi ;; esac done; else echo -e "\nNo logs found. Quitting.\n"; l=0; q=0; p=0; read -p "Press [Enter] to continue ..." pause; fi } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ## Lines to read from the log file line_count_menu(){ PS3="Enter selection or linecount: " echo -e "\nHow many lines to analyze?\n$(dash 40 -)" select LINES in "Last 10,000 lines" "Last 100,000 lines" "Last 1,000,000 lines" "All of it" "Quit"; do case $LINES in "Quit") l=0; q=0; p=0; break ;; "All of it") full_log=1; break ;; "Last 10,000 lines") LINECOUNT=10000; break ;; "Last 100,000 lines") LINECOUNT=100000; break ;; "Last 1,000,000 lines") LINECOUNT=1000000; break ;; *) if [[ ${REPLY} =~ [0-9] ]]; then LINECOUNT=${REPLY}; break; else echo "Invalid input, using defaults."; break; fi ;; esac done } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # How many results to show results_prompt(){ if [[ $1 != '0' ]]; then echo; read -p "How many results do you want? [10]: " NEWCOUNT; if [[ -n $NEWCOUNT && $NEWCOUNT =~ [0-9] ]]; then RESULTCOUNT=$NEWCOUNT; elif [[ -z $NEWCOUNT ]]; then echo "Continuing with defaults."; else echo "Invalid input, using defaults."; fi; fi } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Calculate lines to read if start date is set (-d flag). date_lookup(){ if [[ $l == 1 ]]; then DATE=$(date --date="-$DAYS days" +%Y-%m-%d); elif [[ $p == 1 ]]; then DATE=$(date --date="-$DAYS days" +"%e %b %Y"); fi if [[ -n $DAYS ]]; then echo -ne "Searching for date: $DATE\r" FIRSTLINE=$(grep -n "$DATE" $1 | head -1 | cut -d: -f1) if [[ -n $FIRSTLINE ]]; then LINECOUNT="+${FIRSTLINE}" else echo "Could not find the desired date in the log, using default 1,000,000 lines." fi fi } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Setup how much of the log file to read and how. set_decomp(){ # Servername and Current time of Analysis, and exim version echo -e "Hostname: $(hostname)\nCur.Date: $(date +'%A, %B %d, %Y -- %Y.%m.%d')\nExim Ver: $($(which exim) --version 2> /dev/null | head -n1)\n" # Compressed file -- decompress and read whole log if [[ $(file -b $1) =~ zip ]]; then DECOMP="zcat -f"; du -sh $1 | awk '{print "Using Log File: "$2,"("$1")"}' if [[ $l == 1 ]]; then $DECOMP $1 | head -n 1 | awk '{print "First date in log: "$1,$2}' elif [[ $p == 1 ]]; then $DECOMP $1 | head -n 1000 | perl -pe 's/.*(Date:.*?)\ Ret.*/\1/g' | awk '/Date:/ {print "First date in log: "$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' | head -1 fi # Read full log (uncompressed) elif [[ $full_log == 1 ]]; then DECOMP="cat"; du -sh $1 | awk '{print "Using Log File: "$2,"("$1")"}' if [[ $l == 1 ]]; then head -1 $1 | awk '{print "First date in log: "$1,$2}'; elif [[ $p == 1 ]]; then grep "Date:" $1 | head -1 | perl -pe 's/.*(Date:.*?)\ Ret.*/\1/g' | awk '/Date:/ {print "First date in log: "$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}'; fi # Minimize impact on initial scan, using last LINECOUNT lines # Search for first date at the start of the LINECOUNT elif [[ -z $DAYS ]]; then DECOMP="tail -n $LINECOUNT"; du -sh $1 | awk -v LINES="$LINECOUNT" '{print "Last",LINES,"lines of: "$2,"("$1")"}'; echo -ne "Searching for first date . . . \r" if [[ $l == 1 ]]; then tac $1 | head -n $LINECOUNT | tail -n 1 | awk '{print "First date found: "$1,$2}' elif [[ $p == 1 ]]; then tac $1 | head -n $LINECOUNT | tail -n 1000 | perl -pe 's/.*(Date:.*?)\ Ret.*/\1/g' | awk '/^Date:/ {print "First date found: "$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' | tail -1 fi # Use speficied date as starting point elif [[ -n $DAYS ]]; then DECOMP="tail -n $LINECOUNT"; du -sh $1 | awk -v LINES="$LINECOUNT" '{print "Last",LINES,"lines of: "$2,"("$1")"}'; echo "Starting with specified date: $DATE" fi # If log is not compressed, read the last date from the file if [[ ! $(file -b $1) =~ zip ]]; then if [[ $l == 1 ]]; then tail -n 1 $1 | awk '{print "Last date in log: "$1,$2}' elif [[ $p == 1 ]]; then tail -n 1000 $1 | perl -pe 's/.*(Date:.*?)\ Ret.*/\1/g' | awk '/Date:/ {print "Last date in log: "$2,$3,$4,$5,$6}' | tail -1 fi fi } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Process commandline flags arg_parse(){ local OPTIND; while getopts ac:d:f:Fhn:o:pqv OPTIONS; do case "${OPTIONS}" in a) full_log=1 ;; c) LINECOUNT=${OPTARG} ;; d) DAYS=${OPTARG} ;; f) LOGFILE=${OPTARG}; QUEUEFILE=${OPTARG}; PHPLOG=${OPTARG} ;; # Specify a log/queue file F) fast_mode=1 ;; n) RESULTCOUNT=${OPTARG} ;; o) OUT_LIST=$(echo ${OPTARG} | sed 's/,/ /g') ;; p) l=0; p=1; q=0 ;; # PHP log q) l=0; q=1; p=0 ;; # Analyze queue instead of log v) VERBOSE=1 ;; # Debugging Output h) l=0; q=0; p=0; echo -e "\nUsage: $0 [OPTIONS]\n -a ... Read full log (instead of last 1M lines) -c ... <#lines> to read from the end of the log -d ... <#days> back to read in the log (calculates linecount) -f ... to use instead of default -F ... FastMode (skip dumping exim queue to log) -n ... <#results> to show from analysis -o ... Output only selected section(s) of mail analysis provided as comma separated list [LDir,LAcct,LAuth...] ---------------------------------------- LDir .... Directories LAcct ... Accounts/Domain LAuth ... Authenticated Users L-IP .... IP-Address / Auth-Users LFail ... Failed Login IPs LSpoof .. Spoofed Senders LBulk ... Bulk Senders LSubj ... Subjects (Non-Bounceback) LBnce ... Bouncebacks (address) ---------------------------------------- QSum .... Queue Summary QAuth ... Authenticated Users QLoc .... Authenticated Local Users QSpoof .. Spoofed Senders QSubj ... Subjects QScript . X-PHP-Scripts QSend ... Senders QBnce ... Bouncebacks (count) QFrzn ... Frozen (count) ---------------------------------------- -p ... Look for 'X-PHP-Script' in the php mail log -q ... Create a queue logfile and analyze the queue -v ... Verbose (debugging output)\n -h ... Print this help and quit\n"; return 0 ;; # Print help and quit esac done } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ## Setup the log file analysis methods mail_logs(){ # This will run a basic analysis of the exim_mainlog, and hopefully will also do the first few # steps of finding any malware/scripts that are sending mail and their origins date_lookup $LOGFILE echo; set_decomp $LOGFILE; if [[ $OUT_LIST ]]; then L_OUT=$OUT_LIST; fi for opt in $L_OUT; do case $opt in LDir) ## Count of messages sent by scripts section_header "Directories" $DECOMP $LOGFILE | grep 'cwd=' | grep -Eiv 'spool|error|exim' | perl -pe 's/.*cwd=(\/.*?)\ [0-9]\ args:.*/\1/g'\ | awk '{freq[$0]++} END {for (x in freq) {printf "%8s %s\n",freq[x],x}}'\ | sort -rn | head -n $RESULTCOUNT ;; LAcct) # Count of messages per "Account/Domains" section_header "Accounts/Domains" $DECOMP $LOGFILE | grep -o '<=\ [^<>].*\ U=.*\ P=' | perl -pe 's/.*@(.*?)\ U=(.*?)\ P=/\2 \1/g'\ | awk '{freq[$0]++} END {for (x in freq) {printf "%8s %s\n",freq[x],x}}'\ | sort -rn | head -n $RESULTCOUNT | awk '{printf "%8s %-10s %s\n",$1,$2,$3}' ;; LAuth) # Count of messages per Auth-Users section_header "Auth-Users" $DECOMP $LOGFILE | grep -Eo 'A=.*in:.*\ S=' | perl -pe 's/.*:(.*?)\ S=/\1/g'\ | awk '{freq[$0]++} END {for (x in freq) {printf "%8s %s\n",freq[x],x}}'\ | sort -rn | head -n $RESULTCOUNT ;; L-IP) # Count of IPs per Auth-Users section_header "IP-Addresses/Auth-Users" $DECOMP $LOGFILE | grep 'A=.*in:.*\ S=' | perl -pe 's/.*[^I=]\[(.*?)\].*A=.*in:(.*?)\ S=.*$/\1 \2/g'\ | awk '{freq[$0]++} END {for (x in freq) {printf "%8s %s\n",freq[x],x}}'\ | sort -rn | head -n $RESULTCOUNT | awk '{printf "%8s %-15s %s\n",$1,$2,$3}' ;; LFail) # Count of IPs that failed login section_header "Failed Login IPs" $DECOMP $LOGFILE | grep 'authenticator failed' | perl -pe 's/.*\ \[(.*?)\]:.*/\1/g'\ | awk '{freq[$1]++} END {for (x in freq) {printf "%8s %s\n",freq[x],x}}'\ | sort -rn | head -n $RESULTCOUNT ;; LSpoof) # Spoofed Sender Addresses section_header "Spoofed Senders" FMT="%8s %-35s %s\n" printf "$FMT" "Count " " Auth-User" " Spoofed-User" printf "$FMT" "--------" "$(dash 35 -)" "$(dash 35 -)" $DECOMP $LOGFILE | grep 'A=.*in:.*\ S=' | perl -pe 's/.*<=\ (.*?)\ .*A=.*in:(.*?)\ .*/\2 \1/g'\ | awk '{ if ($1 != $2) freq[$0]++} END {for (x in freq) {printf "%8s %s\n",freq[x],x}}'\ | sort -rn | head -n $RESULTCOUNT | awk -v FMT="$FMT" '{printf FMT,$1" ",$2,$3}' printf "$FMT" "--------" "$(dash 35 -)" "$(dash 35 -)" ;; LBulk) # Show sent messages with the most recipients section_header "Bulk Senders" FMT="%8s %-16s %s\n" printf "$FMT" "RCPTs " " MessageID" " Auth-User" printf "$FMT" "--------" "$(dash 16 -)" "$(dash 40 -)" #This missed webmail logins sending bulk mail #$DECOMP $LOGFILE | grep "<=.*A=.*in:.*\ for\ "\ # | perl -pe 's/.*\ (.*?)\ <=\ .*A=.*in:(.*)\ S=.*\ for\ (.*)//g; print $count = scalar(split(" ",$3))," ",$1," ",$2;'\ $DECOMP $LOGFILE | grep '<=\ .*id=.*\ for\ '\ | perl -pe 's/.*\ (.*?)\ <=\ (.*).*id=.*\ for\ (.*)//g; print $count = scalar(split(" ",$3))," ",$1," ",$2;'\ | sort -rn | head -n $RESULTCOUNT | awk -v FMT="$FMT" '{printf FMT,$1" ",$2,$3}' printf "$FMT" "--------" "$(dash 16 -)" "$(dash 40 -)" ;; LSubj) # Count of Messages by Subject section_header "Subjects (Non-Bounceback)" $DECOMP $LOGFILE | grep '<=.*T=' | perl -pe 's/.*T=\"(.*?)\".*/\1/g'\ | awk '!/failed: |deferred: / {freq[$0]++} END {for (x in freq) {printf "%8s %s\n",freq[x],x}}'\ | sort -rn | head -n $RESULTCOUNT ;; LBnce) # Count of Bouncebacks by address section_header "Bouncebacks (address)" $DECOMP $LOGFILE | grep '<= <>.*\ for\ ' | perl -pe 's/.*\".*for\ (.*$)/\1/g'\ | awk '{freq[$0]++} END {for (x in freq) {printf "%8s %s\n",freq[x],x}}'\ | sort -rn | head -n $RESULTCOUNT ;; *) echo "$opt is not a valid output option." ;; esac done; echo } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ## Setup the queue/file analysis methods mail_queue(){ # This will run a basic summary of the mail queue, using both exim -bpr and /var/spool/exim/input/* # Limit the queue scan to keep things fast if [[ $full_log == 1 ]]; then READLIMIT="cat"; LOGLIMIT="cat" else READLIMIT="head -n $LINECOUNT"; LOGLIMIT="head -n $(( $LINECOUNT * 3 ))"; fi ## Generate Header File List HEADER_LIST=$(find /var/spool/exim/input/ -type f -name "*-H" -print 2>/dev/null | $READLIMIT) if [[ $OUT_LIST ]]; then Q_OUT=$OUT_LIST; fi for opt in $Q_OUT; do case $opt in QSum) ## Queue Summary ## Current Queue Dump if [[ -f $QUEUEFILE ]]; then echo -e "\nFound existing queue dump ( $QUEUEFILE ).\n" elif [[ ! $fast_mode ]]; then echo -e "\nCreating Queue Dump ($QUEUEFILE) to speed up analysis\n ... Thank you for your patience" /usr/sbin/exim -bpr | $LOGLIMIT > $QUEUEFILE fi # Read full log (uncompressed) if [[ $full_log == 1 ]]; then DECOMP="cat"; du -sh $QUEUEFILE | awk '{print "Using Queue Dump: "$2,"("$1")"}' # Minimize impact on initial scan, using last 1,000,000 lines elif [[ ! $fast_mode ]]; then DECOMP="tail -n $LINECOUNT"; du -sh $QUEUEFILE | awk -v LINES="$LINECOUNT" '{print "Last",LINES,"lines of: "$2,"("$1")"}'; fi if [[ -s $QUEUEFILE && ! $fast_mode ]]; then section_header "Queue: Summary" $DECOMP $QUEUEFILE | /usr/sbin/exiqsumm | head -3 | tail -2; cat $QUEUEFILE | /usr/sbin/exiqsumm | sort -rnk1 | grep -v "TOTAL$" | head -n $RESULTCOUNT fi ;; QAuth) ## Queue Auth Users section_header "Queue: Auth Users" echo $HEADER_LIST | xargs grep --no-filename 'auth_id' 2>/dev/null\ | sed 's/-auth_id //g' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n $RESULTCOUNT ;; QLoc) ## Queue Auth Local Users section_header "Queue: Auth Local Users" echo $HEADER_LIST | xargs grep --no-filename -A1 'authenticated_local_user' 2>/dev/null\ | grep -v 'authenticated_local_user' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n $RESULTCOUNT ;; QSpoof) ## Queue Spoofed Senders section_header "Queue: Spoofed Senders" FMT="%8s %-35s %s\n" printf "$FMT" "Count " " Auth-User" " Spoofed-User" printf "$FMT" "--------" "$(dash 35 -)" "$(dash 35 -)" echo $HEADER_LIST | xargs awk '/auth_id/{printf $2" "};/envelope-from/{print $2}' 2>/dev/null | tr -d '<>)'\ | awk '{ if ($1 != $2) freq[$0]++} END {for (x in freq) {printf "%8s %s\n",freq[x],x}}'\ | sort -rn | head -n $RESULTCOUNT | awk -v FMT="$FMT" '{printf FMT,$1" ",$2,$3}' printf "$FMT" "--------" "$(dash 35 -)" "$(dash 35 -)" ;; QSubj) ## Queue Subjects section_header "Queue: Subjects" echo $HEADER_LIST | xargs grep --no-filename "Subject: " 2>/dev/null\ | sed 's/.*Subject: //g' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n $RESULTCOUNT ;; QScript) ## Queue Scripts section_header "Queue: X-PHP-Scripts" echo $HEADER_LIST | xargs grep --no-filename "X-PHP.*-Script:" 2>/dev/null\ | sed 's/^.*X-PHP.*-Script: //g;s/\ for\ .*$//g' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | head -n $RESULTCOUNT ;; QSend) ## Count of (non-bounceback) Sending Addresses in queue section_header "Queue: Senders" echo $HEADER_LIST | xargs grep --no-filename '^<[^>]' 2>/dev/null\ | awk '{freq[$1]++} END {for (x in freq) {printf "%8s %s\n",freq[x],x}}' | sort -rn | tr -d '<>' | head -n $RESULTCOUNT ;; QBnce) ## Count of Bouncebacks in the queue section_header "Queue: Bouncebacks (count)" echo $HEADER_LIST | xargs grep --no-filename '^<>' 2>/dev/null\ | awk '{freq[$1]++} END {for (x in freq) {printf "%8s %s\n",freq[x],x}}' | sort -rn | head -n $RESULTCOUNT ;; QFrzn) ## Count of 'frozen' messages by user section_header "Queue: Frozen (count)" echo $HEADER_LIST | xargs grep --no-filename '\-frozen' 2>/dev/null\ | awk '($2 ~ /[0-9]/) {freq[$1]++} END {for (x in freq) {printf "%8s %s\n",freq[x],x}}' | sort -rn | head -n $RESULTCOUNT ;; *) echo "$opt is not a valid output option" ;; esac done; echo } # Check that X_Header is turned on and process the php_maillog mail_php(){ echo -e "\n$(php -v | head -1)\n" date_lookup $PHPLOG if [[ -f $PHPLOG ]]; then echo "mail.log: $PHPLOG ($(du -sh $PHPLOG | awk '{print $1}'))" set_decomp $PHPLOG; # Look for mailer scripts in the php_maillog section_header "PHP Mailer Scripts" $DECOMP $PHPLOG | perl -pe 's/.*\[(\/home.*?)\]/\1/g'\ | awk -F: '{freq[$1]++} END {for (x in freq) {printf "%8s %s\n",freq[x],x}}' | sort -rn | head -n $RESULTCOUNT echo else echo "php_maillog configuration could not be located" ## Prompt and configure php_maillog if confirmed. read -p "Would you like to enable add_x_header and the php_maillog? " yn; case $yn in y|Y|yes|Yes|YES) if [[ "$(php -v | grep -oP 'PHP 5.[^12]')" != '' ]]; then if [[ -z $(egrep '(^mail.add_x_header|^mail.log)' $PHPCONF) ]]; then cp -a $PHPCONF{,.pre_php_mail_log_addition}; perl -n -i -e 'print; print "mail.add_x_header = On\nmail.log = /var/log/php_maillog\n" if /(\[mail function\])/' $PHPCONF; echo -e "\nVariables Added to [mail function]:\n"; egrep '(^mail.add_x_header = On|^mail.log = /var/log/php_maillog)' $PHPCONF; touch /var/log/php_maillog && chmod 666 /var/log/php_maillog; echo -e "\nLog File Created:"; ls -l /var/log/php_maillog | awk '{print $1,$NF}'; echo -e "/var/log/php_maillog {\n\tcompress\n\tcreate\n\tweekly\n\tmissingok\n\trotate 4\n\tpostrotate\n\t/usr/sbin/httpd graceful\n\tendscript\n}" > /etc/logrotate.d/php_maillog echo -e "\nLogrotate configured for/var/log/php_maillog" echo -e "\nRestarting httpd Service" if [[ -d /etc/systemd ]]; then systemctl restart httpd 2>/dev/null; else /etc/init.d/httpd restart 2>/dev/null; fi else echo -e "\nNothing Done.\nCheck /usr/local/lib/php.ini:\n"; egrep -n '(mail.add_x_header|mail.log)' $PHPCONF; fi; else echo -e "\nNothing Done.\nThis only works with 5.3 or higher"; fi ;; *) echo "Okay, quitting for now." ;; esac fi } #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Call menus or parse cli flags if [[ -z $@ ]]; then main_menu; else arg_parse "$@"; fi #-----------------------------------------------------------------------------# ## Run either logs() or queue() function if [[ $l == 1 ]]; then mail_logs elif [[ $q == 1 ]]; then mail_queue elif [[ $p == 1 ]]; then mail_php; fi if [[ $VERBOSE == 1 ]]; then dash 80 =; section_header "Debugging Information" echo -e " LOGFILE : $LOGFILE QUEUEFILE : $QUEUEFILE PHPLOG : $PHPLOG PHPCONF : $PHPCONF full_log : $full_log LINECOUNT : $LINECOUNT RESULTCOUNT : $RESULTCOUNT OUT_LIST : ${OUT_LIST:-Unset} L_OUT : $L_OUT Q_OUT : $Q_OUT DAYS : ${DAYS:-Unset} DATE : ${DATE:-Unset}\n" fi unset LOGFILE QUEUEFILE PHPCONF PHPLOG full_log LINECOUNT RESULTCOUNT DAYS DATE VERBOSE READLIMIT LOGLIMIT #~Fin~